Yearling Nubian rescue doeling - 8 months behind on growth & currently This Kentucky goat owner writes, "I had a consultation with you back in July about our new Nubian who was the size of a four month old but is a year.
Thank you so much for your knowledge and help with our sweet baby girl. 😉 Her horns have grown twice the size from when we got her in May, and she has grown 2 inches in one month and no longer looks emaciated! She is not out of the woods quite yet, but she is definitely on the long road to recovery and responding so well to the herbs and clean food! It is so exciting to see her jumping around like a young goat (she never did that as a baby- she was too sick and weak) as well as running and having fun! Thank you again so much!!! You are a blessing to our entire family!!!" Don't give up hope! While you have your beloved creature there may be still time to do something beneficial for him or her! their DNA always wants to repair back to it's blueprint if it's given what it's needed to do so :). This is true in both humans and animals! I have an extensive education and background in alternative education including a Master's Degree in Herbalism. Our consultations may be the next step you need to gain traction on your issue! Why wait? Contact us TODAY :). Thank you! We're new to dairy goats, have been reading your book (love it! Watching for more books too) and are on our way to raising our small herd naturally. Thank you very much for all the educational material you have out and continue to offer. CL in Pennsylvania What are you waiting for??? Get yours today! Signed by the Author :D Do you wish you didn't have to rely on synthetic nutrient excito toxin storebought products? Look no further! I love making this for my does, alpacas and mares after they birth. It's easy to stir into warm water which most animals will readily slurp up. Serve it immediately after birthing. It can also be offered during prolonged birthing (in that case I also offer up Ewe-Ter-N(tm) which supplies what the body needs to enable it to have well timed efficient contractions and usually a faster expulsion of the afterbirth).
Combine Black Strap molasses, olive oil, cayenne and BetterDaze(tm) herb mix with enough hot water to make it easy to drench (or add it to their grain, mash or water). The molasses needs to be Black Strap unsulphured. The cheaper grades are primarily sugar and very little mineral, which will weaken your animal's muscular strength and remove some minerals from their body). It provides valuable iron in a safe form as well as many other minerals and B vitamins to help support a tired or stressed body. This is often a health food store item. 50 - 100 lb animals get 1/2 tablespoon, 100 to 200 lb animals get 1 tbsp, 200-400 lb animals get 2 tbsp (1/8 cup). 400 to 800 lb animals get 3 tbsp. 800- 1300 lb animals get 1/2 cup. The olive oil provides easy to utilize calories as well as being soothing to the digestive system. Give the same dose as the molasses. Cayenne ideally should be 35,000 heat unit if organic to 40,000 heat unit potency. I use a small pinch with animals under 100 lbs, a large pinch for 100 - 200 lb animals, 1/8 tsp for 200-400 lbs, 1/4 tsp for 400 - 800 lbs and 1/2 tsp for 800 - 1300 lb creatures. It it another great source of B vitamins during stress as well as a high quality Vitamin C source. It helps support animals that are shocky, will help the body stop bleeding or hemorrhaging (I give it orally mixed with water and give it vaginally mixed with water or olive oil) and helps supply endurance. BetterDaze(tm) herb mix supplies a wide range of easy to utilize vitamins, minerals and nutrients which are perfect for supporting the dam and her tired body. Follow dosages on the label. It can be purchased here if you don't already have it on hand. It's also a great product to support your babies towards reaching their genetic potential. May all of you have the most beautiful and successful babies this year! Here's some afternoon stats from a 51 year old gal! Nope. Not on meds either.... The verdict? 20 year old insides :D. That is far improved over my health in my twenties!
Blood pressure 104/60 , 92/62, 100/58. Pulse is 44 (marathon runner pulse- which I am not- BUT I practice 30 minutes of yoga stretching & breath 3 to 6 days per week). Oxygen ranges from 98 to 99. Cholesterol ratios- HDL 2.7 (stay under 5) LDL/HDL - 1.57 ( normal range .6 to 4.3) Triglycerides- 51 (0-150) negatives for diuretic and beta blocker drugs Kidneys: Bun 8 (9-26) Creatinine .7 (.6-1.1) Urine pH 5.7 (4.0 - 8.7) I eat more meat in the winter months than in the summer where I'm nearly vegan. Protein (checks for spillage in urine indicating kidney disease) 2 (0-30), Leukocytes and hemoglobins screens negative creatinine 60 (27 - 260) protein/creatinine ratio .03 (.0 - .20) Liver: Alkaline phosphatase 62 (30 -115) total bilirubin .5 (.2-1.2) AST 14 (12 - 35) ALT 14 (9-42) GGT 10 (10-65) Total protein 7.1 (6.1-8.2) Albumin 4.3 (3.8-5.2) Globulin 2.8 (2.1-3.5) negative for hiv, cotinine (nicotine derivative) Pancreas: blood glucose 75 (60-109) urine glucose negative A1c 5.8 (3.0 - 6.0) measures blood sugar over past several weeks. I will blame that on chocolate! BTW my husbands last test at age 61 was BP 107/73 pulse 58 oxygen 99 Yes, 20 years old inside :) and also healthier than he was in his twenties. Consultations available for those that would like to help their bodies improve wellness levels naturally! When we are talking about health you want to work with someone that can prove that what they do WORKS. Much more than theory! BLESSINGS ALL OF YOU!!! White Horehound (Marrubium vulgare) , Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) and Red Valerian (Centranthus ruber) at Fir Meadow. Photo by Katherine Drovdahl. We like to say that livestock and humans should eat plants and plants should eat rocks and dirt. Why is this SO CRITICALLY important???!!! When we keep things in that order bodies do well. You see when a plant converts sunlight through photosynthesis it combines nutrients it uptakes from soil (broken down rocks & organic matter) with a carbon atom. It is that carbon atom attached to that nutrient that makes it bioavailable. That nutrient becomes fully utilizable by the body. It's able to uptake it into cells, use it fully for it's intended purpose and it is fully able to eliminate any excess that it doesn't want to utilize. This allows the ability to fully nourish the body and to not store toxic or structurally damaging excesses of copper, selenium, copper, fat soluble vitamins, etc. Some of these excesses can and do build up to cause liver toxicity (which can lead to death), stones such as urinary calculi, kidney stones, enteroliths, gall stones (which form in the liver and are there as well), bone spurs, hardening of the pituitary gland or brain tissue, etc.
So how on earth do we and our beloved critters end up eating rocks? Here are a few considerations. Our wells and city waters are not soft water- they contain rock mineral particulate. When we lived in southern Oregon I could actually SEE the particulate from our high calcium well whenever water was brewed for tea. It also accumulated at the mouths of faucets etc. There were no dandelions or alfalfa plants growing in our well to contribute to this. The soils in that area contain high amounts of calcium. Store bought food and feeds that have minerals added or are 'fortified' have rock or synthetic sources added. Read your label- if it doesn't say the magnesium is because whole alfalfa, stinging nettle or another plant is in the product then it's not from a plant! It's from a rock or a formulated fake from a laboratory. Why do companies do this? Because it's much less expensive to mine and purchase rock nutrients than it is to use whole plants that contain the nutrients. I can purchase a whole ten yard dump truck load of several tons of rocks or sand for the same price that some of the herbs that I work with cost me by the pound! Most calcium put into food and feeds in the US is mined limestone from the midwest. Chemical or synthetic derived nutrients are cheap too and are derived from oil. Kodak is or used to be one of the largest suppliers of nutrients for the food industry. Scary or interesting. I'm not sure which it is! We provide wonderful high quality WHOLE HERB nutrition for you, your human and pet family, just as God intended! Get those now at ( Be ABUNDANTLY BLESSED :) Whole herb products for your ENTIRE family!