How exciting! You have been preparing for a long time to be ready for your upcoming show. Breeding programs, selecting stock, training, proper nutrition and care. I also love the opportunities to make new friends and learn more to continually improve on genetics. Here are some products I love to keep on hand to help me help my furry friends to look their best at the event.
A week before I like to use MMune™ 2 to 3x daily. It's a bummer to have an animal pull up unwell just a couple days before an event. I also want to be sure their immune systems are well supported at a time they will incur more stress which will result with a dip in immune system efficiency. Showing is also a time that our creatures get exposed to microbes and germs from other farms- sometimes nationwide. I also like to keep Wonderful Salve™ on hand for those cuts and scratches and hopefully not worse that can occur when traveling or in pens. I have seen everything a broken leg and sprains on goat kids that got a leg caught in a fence and I have experienced a cattle panel snapping in my face and ripping my skin under my eye among other injuries. I always keep Wonderful Salve™ with me even for international travel. I simply love this salve. Just dap it on several times a day. Sometimes animals experience swelling from transporting or standing on hard surfaces, twisting a leg or bumping something with a leg. I love AKing Joint Support™ for this issue. In these situations I like to give a double or triple dose depending on the situation every two waking hours then about 4x a day after that until after I get them home, then 3x a day for 3 or 4 more days or based on what they show you. All at triple dose if wanted. HerBiotic™ is my friend whenever my animal starts feeling ill. I also give this normal dose (on the label) every 2 waking hours the first day, then 4x a day for 2 more days (or even two more if still at an event), then 3x a day for another 4 days past getting home. GISoother™ is nice for those that have GI upsets / diarrhea while on the road or at an event. I give it also at triple dose for a situation like this every two waking hours then 4x a day for 2-4 days, then 3x a day for about 4 more. If they improve rapidly you can reduce this schedule. BreatheDeeplee™ Is good to keep on hand if one thinks they may get exposure to something respiratory, even from things like additional dust in the air (have you ever looked at a sunbeam in a barn to see it full of particulate). Wishing you the best and most amazing show successes, wellness and blessings, Katherine. These products and more can be purchased online for the US and Canada at We are! And you can be too! While EMF's (electromagnetic Frequencies) have been around for a long time now - since electricity started being used, they are becoming more and more frequent and bombarding to our bodies. And 5G comes with severe health warnings for people that are installing the systems. Microwaves, digital items, HD TV's, things that send or receive signals (radios, tv's, cell phones, smart meters, routers) and electronics in cars, at work, in stores, and in everyone's purses or pockets has our systems completely surrounded- even in the country! Our pets and livestock are exposed as well to these invisible wellness challenges. They are tough on the nervous system, tough on the adrenals, damaging to dna, and tough on mental wellness, increases cancer risk and can exacerbate or create chronic pain among other problems. I remember as a child that the tv always making me feel edgy and headachey and somewhat nauseated whenever it was on- and this was in the 60's and 70's with the OLD weak technology. Remember- before remote controls (which also give signals!) when you actually had to get up and pull the knob on or push it off to turn your tv on or off?!? LOL.
So what do I do about all of this assault on my, my familie's and our pet's wellness? I use EMF shields or more correctly reformatters. The EMF products that we carry are in a vegetable resin base and are encoded with over 240 resonant frequencies which allows your body to REBALANCE the frequencies coming at it to harmonize with your system rather than damage it. These products are good for life as long as you have the product (even if you accidentally wash it!). We have collars for your fur babies including small livestock and I love the keychain tags for my horse halters (and for my husband's pocket since I can't get him to wear a dog tag necklace). I wear a necklace and we have the house plugs for our house, gararge and barn which takes care of anything that is plugged into the walls that doesn't send a signal. We also have them for our router, our cell phones (to protect others since we already have wearables) and our microwave. Microwaves are another story, but I do use ours to warm up my heat packs. The wearables, such as the necklaces, also make a caring meaningful gift for friends and family. You can be 5G ready by ordering your EMF shields today! Just click this link: EMF (electromagnetic field) Shields Blessings, wellness and abundance to you and yours! ![]() I did personally look up Dr. Sharif. He is presenting some sound currently known facts on Corona Virus and things you can do to avoid, and things you can check to see if you need to get further information on you or a loved one. Remember we have excellent Master of Herbology developed alternative support available that can be taken proactively to put your body in a better place before possible exposure at : Subject: Coronavirus (Stanford Hospital Board) On behalf of Dr. Sharif, please see the relevant message below. STANFORD HOSPITAL BOARD INTERNAL MESSAGE: Read and understand The new Coronavirus may not show sign of infection for many days. How can one know if he/she is infected? By the time they have fever and/or cough and go to the hospital, the lung is usually 50% Fibrosis and it's too late. Taiwan experts provide a simple self-check that we can do every morning. Take a deep breath and hold your breath for more than 10 seconds. If you complete it successfully without coughing, without discomfort, stiffness or tightness, etc., it proves there is no Fibrosis in the lungs, basically indicates no infection. In critical time, please self-check every morning in an environment with clean air. Serious excellent advice by Japanese doctors treating COVID-19 cases: Everyone should ensure your mouth & throat are moist, never dry. Take a few sips of water every 15 minutes at least. Why? Even if the virus gets into your mouth, drinking water or other liquids will wash them down through your throat and into the stomach. Once there, your stomach acid will kill all the virus. If you don't drink enough water more regularly, the virus can enter your windpipe and into the lungs. That's very dangerous. Please send and share this with family and friends. Take care everyone and may the world recover from this Coronavirus soon. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT - CORONAVIRUS 1. If you have a runny nose and sputum, you have a common cold 2. Coronavirus pneumonia is a dry cough with no runny nose. 3. This new virus is not heat-resistant and will be killed by a temperature of just 79/80 degrees F. It hates the Sun. 4. If someone sneezes with it, it takes about 10 feet before it drops to the ground and is no longer airborne. 5. If it drops on a metal surface it will live for at least 12 hours - so if you come into contact with any metal surface - wash your hands as soon as you can with a bacterial soap. 6. On fabric it can survive for 6-12 hours. normal laundry detergent will kill it. 7. Drinking warm water is effective for all viruses. Try not to drink liquids with ice. 8. Wash your hands frequently as the virus can only live on your hands for 5-10 minutes, but - a lot can happen during that time - you can rub your eyes, pick your nose unwittingly and so on. 9. You should also gargle as a prevention. A simple solution of salt in warm water will suffice. 10. Can't emphasis enough - drink plenty of water! THE SYMPTOMS 1. It will first infect the throat, so you'll have a sore throat lasting 3/4 days 2. The virus then blends into a nasal fluid that enters the trachea and then the lungs, causing pneumonia. This takes about 5/6 days further. 3. With the pneumonia comes high fever and difficulty in breathing. 4. The nasal congestion is not like the normal kind. You feel like you're drowning. It's imperative you then seek immediate attention. SHARE WITH FAMILY and FRIENDS Hassan S. Sharif, MD, FRCR President & CEO WorldCare 7 Bulfinch Place, Suite 301 Boston, MA 02114 Tel: +1 617 250 5167 Email: [email protected] ![]() Every year we have bacterial issues and viral flus and colds going around. Some years we get a new one ("novel") that is in a form that human systems have not been exposed to so therefore do not have previous immunity to them. Here is a practical guide for ways I help my body have a greater opportunity to avoid these problems. Some considerations first are that pathogens can incubate in a person for as little as 3 days to an overall average of 2 to 4 weeks before a person comes down with symptoms of the viral problem. Also note that not everyone has symptoms because their immune system is humming along doing what it was created to do- protect you. Some people may have mild symptoms and not recognize that they are actually ill with something of significance. While a person is infected, whether they are incubating (the viral agent is replicating in the system), have symptoms or do not have symptoms they are contagious the entire time with the ability to spread viral activity as they cough, sneeze, touch things after touching their mouth, etc. Also note that some pathogens live an average of 9 days in the environment. Those can be things like door handles, your steering wheel, counter surfaces, bathrooms, money- bills and change, shopping carts or baskets, the keypads on debit/credit card payment machines, fuel pumps, etc. Remember that even if a person (or you) has already had whatever it is going around, when you are exposed again (assuming it hasn't mutated)- you may not get it again but you will be carrying it and able to spread it around. I know you didn't want to hear that. But in light of protecting the fragile and wellness compromised people that may be in our homes that we have regular contact with it's good to be aware of these things. Here are practical things I do to reduce my need in having to deal with pathogens. I do this every fall and winter reguardless of anything 'new' is going around. First I avoid crowded public situations when I can. The less time one spends around groups of people obviously the less exposure. Plus I prefer the quieter less crowded times and shorter lines that come from going during the least busy timeframes. I extend the amount of time between grocery store and feedstore outings as much as possible. I bank online rather than exposing myself to tellers who get exposed to everything a community has to offer via close contact to handling paper and coin money all day long. When I do go out if something is active, I wear latex gloves. My gloves can touch everything (and I pay attention to NOT touch my face or my things) and once I leave the store I can take them off (I strip them off carefully only touching the inside of them) and dump them in the trash. When I'm at the gym I can use their sanitizing wipes on my gloves all I want without concerning myself with the carcinogens in the wipe soaking into me, as well as using it on the equipment before and after I use it. I also like to use homemade hand sanitizer- I add three drops of antiviral types essential oil to a tablespoon of aloe gel (I prefer scraping the gel from my own plant as there aren't additives). Mix that up and you have your own hand sanitizer. I keep some in the car and some at home. You can get very high quality essential oils here from my other website, (I am an internationally certified aromatherapist) : https://www.Essential Oils ( If you have children under six years old stick to using lavender and tea tree oil. If they are six or older and don't have liver conditions then you can use the other choices but double dilute the amounts until they are 100 lbs (add two tablespoons of gel to the three drops of eo). Favorite oils for these types of things with me are basil, cinnamon, clove,eucalyptus, lavender, peppermint, oregano, tea tree and Thyme linalool essential oils. Remember if you have cats keep essential oil use away from them. Face masks- do they work? Yes and No. Well that's not so much help! This of course is a very controversial topic but I give you the master of herbology side of this. Yes, if you are sick, wear one to protect others as you cough or sneeze or exhale viral vapor to reduce the amount of airspace these things and if you are sick the best place for you anyways is home resting and taking your herbs so that you get well and stronger quicker as well as keeping the germs at home. If you are not sick then wearing one won't protect your eyes from receiving microbial vapor which is always airborne among people as they exhale. Also a mask needs to be medical grade and seal tightly to reduce the amount of microbes getting access to your nose and mouth. HOWEVER, one can put a drop of one of the above essential oils onto a face mask for additional support as you inhale that goodness for your respiratory and circulatory systems. This is what I do to help my body avoid inhaling microbes when I'm required to wear a mask. It also reduces the amount of pathogens that can replicate themselves on my mask as I exhale hot moist air through it. As always if you can take fresh air and sunshine walks away from the public in fresh air that is ALWAYS going to give your body a boost mentally, physically and spiritually. At home, you can put a drop or two of an oil into a stainless or glass container and pour very hot water (remember to keep out of reach of children and pets and not around cats!) over it to get the vapor into the air to inhale it's goodness and reduce microbial possibilities in the air. If you have permission at work to use a diffuser those work nicely there. If you don't you can open an essential oil bottle and draw one long breathe with each nostril- before arriving and upon leaving work (and again at lunch if you are able). REMEMBER to also clear your air as you are recovering and after you are well along with disinfecting surfaces, door handles, toilet handles, faucet handles etc around your house. In my house I use a small squirt of liquid soap mixed with about 60 drops of one of the above essential oils in a quart (2 lbs) of water and 1 cup of vinegar, shaken real well. I also support my body with herbs every single day during these time periods to give my body some tools to try to avoid these types of problems and to also try to keep my body from harboring and thus spreading these types of things to others. Some of my favorites include taking Super Immune Garlic formula (which has more than garlic!) both before and after I am in public areas (and in between if I'm gone six or more hours) as well as three times a day if I am just working a long at home. Human Supplements & Teas ( I also like Respiratory Support Syrup ( Herbal C which is a wonderful whole herb form of plants with traditionally high values of Vitamin C (rather than the chemical ascorbic acid) and the amazing Lung and Bronchial support can all be found on these page Human Supplements & Teas ( Wishing you much health and happiness and wisdom! Timbrel (Fir Meadow) is such a love. And she has been for nearly 16 years! We adore her. She loves to give kisses and then exhibit flehmen (top photo) just to be silly. She will back into you to get her back and rump scratched or chase you down the barn for a scratchin'. she's still quite mobile even though the tendons were torn from her patella when she was 5 years old after a doe slammed into her. That leg healed stiff due to the splint, but heal it did (I LOVE ReBuilld herb mix and Wounderful! Salve) and she trucks around pretty good. Thankfully she earned her GCH before then (best placing was a reserve champion over 52! other goats) and her highest LA is a 90. She measures in at the minimum size for LaManchas but that didn't stop her from finishing on the west coast where LM's tend to be giant.
Ok... so now on for the topic of how we care for this spoiled but sweetheart of a gem :). She has her own stall at this point so that younger and more agile goats don't push her around or push her away from feed, but she can reach through the panel and they can reach through to her to say hi and visit so she isn't alone. She also gets turnout time when we are doing chores so she can hang out with us. She has deep straw bedding and at night she gets her fleece jammies on- a square piece of fleece folded in half that is sown 1/3 of the way from the bottom for her neck and the rear 1/4 has 1" wide elastic straps sewn on to slip through her rear legs. This keeps her warm at night and is easy to toss in the washer. No hemming required :). The elastic needs to be 1" wide and smaller elastic can wrap around legs fairly easy and cut off circulation. Her meal plan... She gets hot water brought to her every morning and if it's cold also in the evening so she can tank up on all she wants. Her feed dish twice a day gets cut banana with peel, some cut apples in small pieces, a bit of mandarin orange with peel. Sometimes some cabbage cut up or broccoli stem cut up small or shredded carrot or all of them. At this age what they have left for teeth are pretty worthless, so I keep things in smaller pieces so it's easier to swallow and for the rumen to handle. I add black strap molasses 1-2 tbsp and 2 tbsp of olive oil to this (you have to work them up to the larger doses, if you have miniature goats or kids start 1/3 to 1/4 of the smaller amount and increase by another increment each week). For grain she gets rolled or flaked barley and the same with her oats. We also mix her kelp with herbs (Fir Meadow products of course) and she gets 1/2 cup of BOSS (black oiled sunflower seeds) remembering to start at a much smaller dose and then work them up to where you want them by weekly increments. For hay she gets grass hay (our local- very local as it's our own) and she gets very high quality fine stemmed leafy alfalfa hay. I also pick or cut brush from our trees, berries (wild and domestic), herbs and roses so she can have a brush bouquet every day to keep her rumen very happy. She is the goat we have had the longest. Born with us and living through at least now. Our previous oldest have been two making it to 14 and one making it to 13. Those three all kidded their last year with us and produced milk before I dried them up early. Wishing you all some delightful 'Timmies' in your herds :) Blessings :) I just returned from Mexico and am taking this available on our websites under human supplements. Two reasons: One- I enjoyed some sushi (which is raw fish of which a percentage carry parasites that can cause problems for humans) Two- While I was walking barefoot on the beach my foot all of the sudden started itching on the sole. I had this happen before 24 years ago. When I got back to my room I found a raised small bump area with a dark color to it inside. Pressing on it didn't cause a pain like a splinter would so I seriously suspect I picked up a hookworm which comes from dog and human waste. People regularly walk their dogs on that beach and unfortunately as clean as it is, not everyone picks up after their pet. I had that diagnosed all those years ago from a dermatologist who used to see it in the southern US in children that walked around barefoot. Thankfully I have herbs for the rescue and we keep this in stock all of the time. Missionaries and those with family on the mission field have also ordered this for us to give proactive support to their family. I know this topic isn't so 'palatable' but it's important to address for abundant wellness :) DA from Ohio wrote: " I swear it is evening out if I didt know it looks close to my other dry does." and before that wrote: "She seems like she is doing well and feeling good Her udder is at the point where my other dry does are except even dry the right teat is a little lower but dry and sucked up" DA is using MammarEaze(tm) and GlandAide(tm) salves alternated (one in the morning and one in the evening) as well as keeping her on BetterDaze(tm) herb mix. She came to me wanting help with a doe that kidded this year with a previous owner with dead triplets and a grossly deformed udder. Her goals are to get some daughters out of her and hopefully be able to show her again which will require a normal mammary again. The PERFECT time to work on damaged mammaries is during the dry period as their bodies concentrate on mammary cell renewal during this period and slough and replace a higher amount of mammary tissue. Other products being used or have been used for this situation are Herbiotic(tm) herb mix and Bal-Nce(tm) herb mix. She also has them on DWA(tm), Kop-Sel(tm) and GISoother(tm). All of these sustainable natural products are available at under the products tab. Wishing everyone happy and healthy creatures!!! Yearling Nubian rescue doeling - 8 months behind on growth & currently This Kentucky goat owner writes, "I had a consultation with you back in July about our new Nubian who was the size of a four month old but is a year.
Thank you so much for your knowledge and help with our sweet baby girl. 😉 Her horns have grown twice the size from when we got her in May, and she has grown 2 inches in one month and no longer looks emaciated! She is not out of the woods quite yet, but she is definitely on the long road to recovery and responding so well to the herbs and clean food! It is so exciting to see her jumping around like a young goat (she never did that as a baby- she was too sick and weak) as well as running and having fun! Thank you again so much!!! You are a blessing to our entire family!!!" Don't give up hope! While you have your beloved creature there may be still time to do something beneficial for him or her! their DNA always wants to repair back to it's blueprint if it's given what it's needed to do so :). This is true in both humans and animals! I have an extensive education and background in alternative education including a Master's Degree in Herbalism. Our consultations may be the next step you need to gain traction on your issue! Why wait? Contact us TODAY :). ![]() It's a hot one out there today! Be sure your animals have access to plenty of fresh cool water during the heat. If you have a chest freezer you can freeze gallon liter jugs of water and then place the frozen jug into their water container, then pull after it's melted, dry and refreeze. Be sure to rinse the container a bit before putting in the water so that you don't release microplastics into their water. If you have a shade source or can plant a tree to become one for long term planning it also helps your water stay cooler and your ice last longer. Some of them like our alpacas and guardian dogs have enjoyed lying down in kiddie pools or splash. We've also had a mare that liked to splash. If livestock or poultry start mouth breeding they are TOO HOT. There have been a few times at shows where I have literally led my goats out one at a time and hosed them off. One fair it was 114 degrees in the barn and I had to hose each goat over their body twice and me a few times because walking moves muscle which generates heat. Feeding kids or lambs with a lamb bar/ baby bucket? Give them an extra bucket at least 2 hours after or before their last / next milk feeding with cold filtered water to help them bring their core temperatures down quicker. Avoid working your animals on hot days and during the hot times during the day. You and they will enjoy your time together much better if you can do it at dawn or dusk. Some other things you can do is to give NONlactating animals peppermint tea in their drinking water, or Animals at least one years old you can dilute 1 - 3 drops -depending on size of animal- peppermint essential oil - again non lactating and not for feline use, in a spray bottle and spritz it on them (avoid eyes and body openings) or mix with 1 tsp of peppermint eo and put on them. If they are lactating substitute with Eucaplyptus globulus essential oil. I like animals to be at least 4 months old when I use that, but in an emergency will use it on younger creatures but cut the amount of essential oil to 1/4. Not for feline use as most essential oils will destroy their liver often in hours to days. We have essential oils at Shaving/clipping hair on animal bellies with a size ten blade on the clippers also helps them to shed more heat and is nice to do for animals living in hot climates or for unusually hot days. If your animal is fine haired you can still use a ten blade but go with the hair so that more hair is left on the animal. You don't want to shave them to bald skin as the hair is there to protect them. You can also use a 4 or 5 blade if you have that and go against the hair. If you would like to top of their electrolytes I'm a big fan of coconut water for that. One can also use the fancier (More expensive) cactus waters and home juiced grapefruit juice works well too. IF your animal is on medications skip using grapefruit as it may make the medications ineffective. I use 1/4 cup for 150 lbs of animal or human that is otherwise healthy. More if they are having a heat episode (and cool quickly starting at their feet with cold water or ice water) and working up the legs to the body while keeping them in the shade or making shade over them (such as holding a tarp over them). When helping animals be sure you watch the humans too- a red face or worse purple indicates a very overheated person which is EXTREMELY dangerous for your BRAIN and of course body- cool them NOW. Don't wait that long. Stay on water and electrolytes well before then and out of the sun. Misters placed in the air helps reduce air temperature feel by about 5 degrees Fahrenheit and using inexpensive box fans in barns also helps reduce heat issues. Be sure than any electrical chords are unable to be reached by animals and watch for tripping hazards when stretching cords across aisleways. Access to shade goes without saying. Stressed animals from the heat? Take a look at our MMUNE(tm) Herb Mix to help their immune systems deal with the stress: Getting ready to breed? LOVE using BetterDaze(tm) herb mix to keep bodies topped off with this amazing nutritional supplement : BEES are getting to be boogers this time of year. At our family camp two kids got nailed just two hours apart by wasps. And one was a neck sting that started swelling because neck and head stings react faster due to blood supply. In those situations I use cayenne internally for any potential shocky types of issues and plantain or plantain salve (available on my other website- It was amazing how fast both stings quit hurting the kids and how fast the swelling started receding- making it impossible to see where they were stung a few hours later. GREAT to keep on hand for pets, people and your barnyard. Stay safe on those hot days! Blessings All! K Here is an interview I had the opportunity to give on wellness for your favorite feline.
Enjoy! Find our products at We ship them to you Monday through Friday. Facing a tough challenge or just want to do even better for your cat? We also have wellness consultations available with our Master of Herbology. Order those here: In honor of spring it's time to do Spring Cleaning- in YOU :). Every few years I cleanse for an entire year- bowels, liver/kidneys, bloodstream, metals in order and some concurrently.
Every season I do a short 10 to 14 day tune up. Longer if I get into something bad or some exposure to something- like when I was chlorine poisoned in a pool and hottub at a hotel last year. Winter and holidays 'expose' many people to way too much sugar, overeating and processed, baked or cooked foods... And- even my organic kale in my garden- get's rained on and the first rain you know has toxins in it from cleaning the air- even though we are in a quite pristine area close to the saltwater on the west coast without major industry... products can be purchased at BELOW RETAIL!!! Lower Bowel helps the Intestinal area heal itself Liver and Gallbladder support -DO NOT START until you are regularly having 2-4 regular bowel movements per day- one per meal and one when you get up. Kidney can be started any time. Caffeine drinker or eater (chocolate, pop, coffee, Kambucha, Green/black teas, energy drinks, etc) you might just want to stay on this all the time (or please consider dropping the caffeine) Heavy metals (do the others first :) ). BLESSINGS ALL :D :D :D :D :D ![]() Vitamin B12 sources for healthy nerves, blood cells and DNA. Just finished a Q and A in the goat journal. Which herbs/foods in the picture can you identify? Hippocrates said let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food. This is a great example of that. And yes all of the macro and micro nutrients a body needs whether human or animal is available from plants. Even the ones that science hasn't discovered yet. This is one of the reasons why our whole herb product BetterDaze(tm) is so popular. We also have herbs and products availbale for people on our website at a discounted price :). Ginger root, Alfalfa, Red clover, Cayenne, Dandelion leaf/flower, Kelp, Cayenne (not for liver damaged individuals). ![]() We had a recent question about Lung worm and irritated lungs in a goat, as well as wanting to be ready for an upcoming kidding. I'm sharing my notes. Besides helping her body be a place that lungworm doesn't want to reside (DWA (tm)) she may need some additional lung support. If she has damage there- remember that is tender tissue that can be irritated with every breath containing particulate in it (ever see dusty barn air in a sunbeam?) I would look at BreatheDeeplee(tm) herb mix to give that support. It will take some time as the lungs aren't allowed to rest while they heal themselves. I will also list other suggestions based on info in your email. Do or don't do as you feel led. If you want for her you could also consider MMune (tm) as she probably is more susceptible to other potential issues at this time. IF you think she may have a bacterial or viral issue starting (WATCH HER FOR ANY SIGN OF FEVER!) or if you just want to rule that out before there would be problems please look at HerBiotic (tm) herb mix. For your pregnant doe if you want look at BetterDaze(tm) herb mix. Kop-Sel if you are in a selenium/copper deficient area for support if you want herbal support. PrePare(tm) for prekidding reproductive organ support. Ewe-Ter-N(tm) herb mix given on kidding day, just before (or sometimes during) kidding, and after if afterbirth doesn't drop in 20 minutes. GI Soother(tm) is extremely popular for raising kids that are in coccidia or barberpole areas. Blessings every single one of you in your farm and family this year!!! And yes, I count farm critters as family :). Thank you! We're new to dairy goats, have been reading your book (love it! Watching for more books too) and are on our way to raising our small herd naturally. Thank you very much for all the educational material you have out and continue to offer. CL in Pennsylvania What are you waiting for??? Get yours today! Signed by the Author :D Do you wish you didn't have to rely on synthetic nutrient excito toxin storebought products? Look no further! I love making this for my does, alpacas and mares after they birth. It's easy to stir into warm water which most animals will readily slurp up. Serve it immediately after birthing. It can also be offered during prolonged birthing (in that case I also offer up Ewe-Ter-N(tm) which supplies what the body needs to enable it to have well timed efficient contractions and usually a faster expulsion of the afterbirth).
Combine Black Strap molasses, olive oil, cayenne and BetterDaze(tm) herb mix with enough hot water to make it easy to drench (or add it to their grain, mash or water). The molasses needs to be Black Strap unsulphured. The cheaper grades are primarily sugar and very little mineral, which will weaken your animal's muscular strength and remove some minerals from their body). It provides valuable iron in a safe form as well as many other minerals and B vitamins to help support a tired or stressed body. This is often a health food store item. 50 - 100 lb animals get 1/2 tablespoon, 100 to 200 lb animals get 1 tbsp, 200-400 lb animals get 2 tbsp (1/8 cup). 400 to 800 lb animals get 3 tbsp. 800- 1300 lb animals get 1/2 cup. The olive oil provides easy to utilize calories as well as being soothing to the digestive system. Give the same dose as the molasses. Cayenne ideally should be 35,000 heat unit if organic to 40,000 heat unit potency. I use a small pinch with animals under 100 lbs, a large pinch for 100 - 200 lb animals, 1/8 tsp for 200-400 lbs, 1/4 tsp for 400 - 800 lbs and 1/2 tsp for 800 - 1300 lb creatures. It it another great source of B vitamins during stress as well as a high quality Vitamin C source. It helps support animals that are shocky, will help the body stop bleeding or hemorrhaging (I give it orally mixed with water and give it vaginally mixed with water or olive oil) and helps supply endurance. BetterDaze(tm) herb mix supplies a wide range of easy to utilize vitamins, minerals and nutrients which are perfect for supporting the dam and her tired body. Follow dosages on the label. It can be purchased here if you don't already have it on hand. It's also a great product to support your babies towards reaching their genetic potential. May all of you have the most beautiful and successful babies this year! |