![]() Every year we have bacterial issues and viral flus and colds going around. Some years we get a new one ("novel") that is in a form that human systems have not been exposed to so therefore do not have previous immunity to them. Here is a practical guide for ways I help my body have a greater opportunity to avoid these problems. Some considerations first are that pathogens can incubate in a person for as little as 3 days to an overall average of 2 to 4 weeks before a person comes down with symptoms of the viral problem. Also note that not everyone has symptoms because their immune system is humming along doing what it was created to do- protect you. Some people may have mild symptoms and not recognize that they are actually ill with something of significance. While a person is infected, whether they are incubating (the viral agent is replicating in the system), have symptoms or do not have symptoms they are contagious the entire time with the ability to spread viral activity as they cough, sneeze, touch things after touching their mouth, etc. Also note that some pathogens live an average of 9 days in the environment. Those can be things like door handles, your steering wheel, counter surfaces, bathrooms, money- bills and change, shopping carts or baskets, the keypads on debit/credit card payment machines, fuel pumps, etc. Remember that even if a person (or you) has already had whatever it is going around, when you are exposed again (assuming it hasn't mutated)- you may not get it again but you will be carrying it and able to spread it around. I know you didn't want to hear that. But in light of protecting the fragile and wellness compromised people that may be in our homes that we have regular contact with it's good to be aware of these things. Here are practical things I do to reduce my need in having to deal with pathogens. I do this every fall and winter reguardless of anything 'new' is going around. First I avoid crowded public situations when I can. The less time one spends around groups of people obviously the less exposure. Plus I prefer the quieter less crowded times and shorter lines that come from going during the least busy timeframes. I extend the amount of time between grocery store and feedstore outings as much as possible. I bank online rather than exposing myself to tellers who get exposed to everything a community has to offer via close contact to handling paper and coin money all day long. When I do go out if something is active, I wear latex gloves. My gloves can touch everything (and I pay attention to NOT touch my face or my things) and once I leave the store I can take them off (I strip them off carefully only touching the inside of them) and dump them in the trash. When I'm at the gym I can use their sanitizing wipes on my gloves all I want without concerning myself with the carcinogens in the wipe soaking into me, as well as using it on the equipment before and after I use it. I also like to use homemade hand sanitizer- I add three drops of antiviral types essential oil to a tablespoon of aloe gel (I prefer scraping the gel from my own plant as there aren't additives). Mix that up and you have your own hand sanitizer. I keep some in the car and some at home. You can get very high quality essential oils here from my other website, (I am an internationally certified aromatherapist) : https://www.Essential Oils (discountdrchristopher.com) If you have children under six years old stick to using lavender and tea tree oil. If they are six or older and don't have liver conditions then you can use the other choices but double dilute the amounts until they are 100 lbs (add two tablespoons of gel to the three drops of eo). Favorite oils for these types of things with me are basil, cinnamon, clove,eucalyptus, lavender, peppermint, oregano, tea tree and Thyme linalool essential oils. Remember if you have cats keep essential oil use away from them. Face masks- do they work? Yes and No. Well that's not so much help! This of course is a very controversial topic but I give you the master of herbology side of this. Yes, if you are sick, wear one to protect others as you cough or sneeze or exhale viral vapor to reduce the amount of airspace these things and if you are sick the best place for you anyways is home resting and taking your herbs so that you get well and stronger quicker as well as keeping the germs at home. If you are not sick then wearing one won't protect your eyes from receiving microbial vapor which is always airborne among people as they exhale. Also a mask needs to be medical grade and seal tightly to reduce the amount of microbes getting access to your nose and mouth. HOWEVER, one can put a drop of one of the above essential oils onto a face mask for additional support as you inhale that goodness for your respiratory and circulatory systems. This is what I do to help my body avoid inhaling microbes when I'm required to wear a mask. It also reduces the amount of pathogens that can replicate themselves on my mask as I exhale hot moist air through it. As always if you can take fresh air and sunshine walks away from the public in fresh air that is ALWAYS going to give your body a boost mentally, physically and spiritually. At home, you can put a drop or two of an oil into a stainless or glass container and pour very hot water (remember to keep out of reach of children and pets and not around cats!) over it to get the vapor into the air to inhale it's goodness and reduce microbial possibilities in the air. If you have permission at work to use a diffuser those work nicely there. If you don't you can open an essential oil bottle and draw one long breathe with each nostril- before arriving and upon leaving work (and again at lunch if you are able). REMEMBER to also clear your air as you are recovering and after you are well along with disinfecting surfaces, door handles, toilet handles, faucet handles etc around your house. In my house I use a small squirt of liquid soap mixed with about 60 drops of one of the above essential oils in a quart (2 lbs) of water and 1 cup of vinegar, shaken real well. I also support my body with herbs every single day during these time periods to give my body some tools to try to avoid these types of problems and to also try to keep my body from harboring and thus spreading these types of things to others. Some of my favorites include taking Super Immune Garlic formula (which has more than garlic!) both before and after I am in public areas (and in between if I'm gone six or more hours) as well as three times a day if I am just working a long at home. Human Supplements & Teas (discountdrchristopher.com) I also like Respiratory Support Syrup ( Herbal C which is a wonderful whole herb form of plants with traditionally high values of Vitamin C (rather than the chemical ascorbic acid) and the amazing Lung and Bronchial support can all be found on these page Human Supplements & Teas (discountdrchristopher.com) Wishing you much health and happiness and wisdom! |