WOW- Listings are limited- get yours in for your state or region first! Want to list your animals for sale??? For just $25 per year per animal type and per breed you can list with us for increased exposure!! Listing costs and listings will be Calendar year- From January 1 through December 31st.
This is exclusive! To list with us: 1)You must purchase herb products for us the year of listing. 2)You must provide a copy and paste ready with each order. Include 1 to 2 photos. 3) You must order your ad through this site. Listings limited to one per state per animal and per breed and three per Canadian province as long as listings are at least 250 miles apart (determined by Google). Except for the following states: California which shall be split into three sections- northern, central and southern. Texas which shall be split into east west north and south Texas, Alaska shall be split into the islands, the coast and the interior, and Montana which shall be split into the mountainous west region and the east plains. We are retaining Washington state for alpacas (both breeds) and LaMancha dairy goats. We retain the right to add other animal types or breeds during the year should we acquire other breeding projects (not likely but you never know). We retain the right to refuse anyone's advertisement for any reason at any time and reserve editing rights. We will post your add in our blog which will stay in our blog for the calendar year, as well as hit our facebook page. We will also set up a page on our website to post links to your sites as they come in. We will accept RENEWALS for the upcoming year in December of each year. Any ads not renewed in December will allow your state and animal add type to be available to resell to another. Cost examples: You want to list Nubians and Maremmas. If your state has not been taken for those your annual cost will be $25 each animal or $50 total. Order two ads. You will submit separate ad for each one. You want to list Gypsy Vanner horses and Arabian horses. If your state is available for those your cost would be $25 per breed or $50 total. You will submit a separate ad for each one. Click on this link to take you right there! Happy Sales to Happy Homes !!! LaManchas!!! Adga registered, cae/cl/johnes negative! We are still taking deposits for our 2018 kid crop. Our goats typically mature in the LA 90 to 92 range, tend to be very high in rolling average butterfat (most 4 to 4.9%), tend to be strong in the milk bucket (we've had lots of 3000K milkers and even a 4000K milker, higest this past year was 2800), breed for wonderful temperments! Alternative raised! When we showed we were blessed with many many best in show wins WA, OR and CA. need to update site.... We also will be selling milkers and have bucks for sale now to keep our herd size reasonable. Not that you milk or show color but we have lots of variety too. B BLESSED live near sequim Here's a few tips on how my husband and I largely avoid coming down with these types of issues... Keeping your water intake up, even in the winter months is key to helping your entire body work and in helping your body dilute and move out toxins in cells and organs. If your lips feel dry then you are already dehydrated. Caffeine or refined sugar intake will dehydrate you faster. Foods- even in the winter months try to keep an abundance of raw fruits and vegetables in your diet. Opt for vibrant colored and a diverse collection of colors in your fruit and vegetable choices. If you have a picky family member that only likes just a few choices, be sure and keep those on hand and you enjoy the variety yourself :). This is a GREAT time of year to keep citrus in front of you. My tea right now has squeezed lemon into it- which also aids in cleansing. Your citrus must be fresh squeezed or fresh eaten and not a refrigerated or processed product to retain the vitamin C. In fact, upwards of 60% of the Vitamin C will already be gone just fifteen minutes after juicing your fruit. Sometimes I will just add 1 drop of lemon essential oil per day (not for children under 12) to my quart canning jar filled with water. Sleep- MAKE SURE you are getting adequate sleep to avoid wearing down your adrenals and immunity. Exercise- FRESH AIR AND EXERCISE is important in the winter too. Those of us that participate in winter chores usually don't have a problem with this. Be sure you are getting some walking and deep breathing. I have a friend that comes over for yoga 3x per week as well. I have videos but there are good yogas to be found on youtube as well. Herbal support- The most awesome thing about herbal support is that even if your body doesn't need it (and really, your body will still pull and use nutrients anyhow) these aren't going to hurt you. Products to consider? Vitalerbs- available in capsule, extract or bulk powder form. This is a must take for my husband and I to be sure we have a wide range of whole herb nutrient bases covered for overall body wellness. We take these year round to be sure cells have what they need to replicate into healthier ones. Also look for Kid-E-Mins non alcohol extract for young children, toddlers, babies and even pets. Either give it by mouth or drop into their water. Nursing moms can drop a drop or two on their nipples for their baby to nurse. Click here for Vitalerbs capsules. Here for the extract. Click here for Kid E Mins. And here for the bulk powder Vitalerbs. Herbal C - This is a fast way to get high quality whole herb C into your body. I take these every day twice per day and any time I'm heading out into public. This product also offers some heart support for a bonus. Click here. Super Immune Garlic Extract- Is a must have in our home to keep on hand. Again, I like to have this in my blood stream before I go out in public and again after I return. It's so seldom we feel off like we are catching something, but that is another time to take it up to hourly. If a problem hits definately take it hourly!!! Click here. Echinacea & Goldenseal capsules- Popluar and time tested to support the body during wellness challenges. If you are pregnant take this in combination with Cayenne so that the goldenseal doesn't use up all of your Vitamin B in your body. Also follow with Cayenne as the last dose of the day to top off your B's. Click here. Kid-E-Mune extract- Echinacea is really really safe for all including pregnant and very young children. Young children can be allowed to take Kid-E-Mune hourly if wanted. Echinacea in the system helps the body make it difficult for viral activity to capture cells. I also take this before I go out in public. Take every 4 hours during public exposure. After ten days of solid use (3 or more times per day) give your body a three day sabbath from it so that your body will utilize it fully. Click here for Kid E Mune. Cayenne- is always an option due to it's provision of Vitamin's B and C to the body as well as it's infection fighting ability. I like keeping it in salt shaker in the kitchen. It gets added to much of my meals including salads and in most of my drinks including water. Click here for capsules or here for the extract. Cayenne powder here. Raspberry tea - drinking several glasses of this in a day often helps one feel remarkably better. Remember to continue to rest though for another couple of days or you'll relapse as your body hasn't finished the interior battle yet. Click here. Chest Formula , Cold Formula, Lung and Bronchial Formula and Sinus Formula also offer excellent support. Take 3x per day if these are areas of weakness for you and hourly if you are having a problem. Click here. ANYTIME you see something that creates you concern don't hesitate to consult with your medical provider. There are some real severe flu issues going around right now and you need to catch them early or better yet stay AHEAD of them before and early into exposure for best results. It's way easier to avoid an issue by keeping herbs in your body for viral and bacterial activity to hit the second they are inhaled than to fight a problem that has time to replicate and overwhelm the body. Starting a whole body cleanse - Bowel, Liver/Kidneys and Bloodstream are a long term strong foundational building approach towards a well body. Never do these without direction from a degreed herbalist. Doing them wrong or out of order can cause serious problems. Done right there are amazing tools! We offer online consultations with our Master's degree in Herbalism practitioner under our services tab for those that don't already have someone to work with. Here's to PEACE of mind, wellness, blessings and happy herbing! :D *Non of these statements have been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to cure, prevent, treat or diagnose disease. |