Here's some afternoon stats from a 51 year old gal! Nope. Not on meds either.... The verdict? 20 year old insides :D. That is far improved over my health in my twenties!
Blood pressure 104/60 , 92/62, 100/58. Pulse is 44 (marathon runner pulse- which I am not- BUT I practice 30 minutes of yoga stretching & breath 3 to 6 days per week). Oxygen ranges from 98 to 99. Cholesterol ratios- HDL 2.7 (stay under 5) LDL/HDL - 1.57 ( normal range .6 to 4.3) Triglycerides- 51 (0-150) negatives for diuretic and beta blocker drugs Kidneys: Bun 8 (9-26) Creatinine .7 (.6-1.1) Urine pH 5.7 (4.0 - 8.7) I eat more meat in the winter months than in the summer where I'm nearly vegan. Protein (checks for spillage in urine indicating kidney disease) 2 (0-30), Leukocytes and hemoglobins screens negative creatinine 60 (27 - 260) protein/creatinine ratio .03 (.0 - .20) Liver: Alkaline phosphatase 62 (30 -115) total bilirubin .5 (.2-1.2) AST 14 (12 - 35) ALT 14 (9-42) GGT 10 (10-65) Total protein 7.1 (6.1-8.2) Albumin 4.3 (3.8-5.2) Globulin 2.8 (2.1-3.5) negative for hiv, cotinine (nicotine derivative) Pancreas: blood glucose 75 (60-109) urine glucose negative A1c 5.8 (3.0 - 6.0) measures blood sugar over past several weeks. I will blame that on chocolate! BTW my husbands last test at age 61 was BP 107/73 pulse 58 oxygen 99 Yes, 20 years old inside :) and also healthier than he was in his twenties. Consultations available for those that would like to help their bodies improve wellness levels naturally! When we are talking about health you want to work with someone that can prove that what they do WORKS. Much more than theory! BLESSINGS ALL OF YOU!!! |