Photos: Right after lump fell off, a month later and all better. SP in WA shares, " Hello! I just wanted to take the time to THANK YOU for your products!! I have used your products for many, many years and always have been very pleased. This past December though, these products really came through for us. Our almost three year old Jersey cow got a bump on the side of her face. I put Wounderful on it but not very consistently. Then, we went away for Christmas and when we came back the bump took over the whole left side of her face. It was pushing up her eye even. We had the vet come out and they said it was Lumpy Jaw and that it was in the bone. They said the only way they could treat it was give her iodine treatments for at least 7-8 weeks and that wouldn't make it go away, it was just hopefully bring the swelling down but her jaw would be forever disfigured, which would then make it difficult for her to eat. They said most farmers cull the animal as they don't live very long. We have always been very natural on our farm and they are definitely more pets than regular farm animals, I couldn't put her through that torture. They would have to do the treatments in her neck and I knew that would put more stress on her and she wouldn't heal with all that stress. She is also nursing a calf so she didn't need any extra stress. So, I got out the Wounderful and added several essential oils, and colloidal silver and made a mix 2-3 times a day and rubbed it all over the bump. I also put Probiotics in her free minerals, along with kelp, MMune, and HerBiotic and she ate those up. Within a week of doing this everyday, the bump was down to the size of a golf ball. It was still very hard and was getting real tight. Then, after almost two weeks, it started to open up. An amazing amount of stuff starting flowing out so I just kept putting my mixture on after I would push out as much as she would let me. We decided we might need some help getting the rest of it out but on the day we did, we went out and the whole thing had fallen off! So, we kept putting more of the mixture on. It is now down to the smallest little spot, the hair has grown back in, and I only put the Wounderful on about 5 times a week. There is still infection slowly coming out and it pulls it out best when I put the Wounderful on but it is a very small amount. We have heard that bone infections take a very long time to recover from so we know she still has a ways to go. I talked to one farmer that her cow had lumpy jaw and she said she never has heard of it coming out that way. "W", our cow, doesn't look like she will have much of a deformity except where that small little indentation is but she has never stopped eating or chewing her cud. She has kept up with milking and looks great. I tried to write all of this on facebook and share pictures but it wouldn't let me. We are so incredibly THANKFUL to you though and wanted to share. We have also used Wounderful on one of our barn cats who got in a fight and had a terrible was gone within a few days! Amazing stuff!!!! Thank you!! SP
Congratulations for doing the nursing work and getting advice from your vet to find out what you were fighting, and for not giving up on your beautiful cow! Wounderful! Salve is available on the products page under salves at We also have essential oils available on our website. MANY BLESSINGS! EW in Iowa shares, " I just had to share this story about your powerful miracle products. Two days ago I let the chickens out to roam, and immediately noticed our only Marans chicken, "C", was not well. She was trying to hide it, but I could see it in her eyes, they were dull and vacant, and she was moving slowly, her energy felt very weak. I monitored her until she took a poo, and then immediately when to inspect it. I was horrified to discover roundworms wriggling around in it, and streaks of blood. Having just come out of winter when worms aren't normally a problem, I hadn't started their normal DWA routine for the spring yet, I had just been dosing them daily with some dried organic cayenne from our garden. The worms caught me completely off-guard. I immediately grabbed the DWA and GI Soother and gave "C", as well as the rest of the chickens, a dose, but it seemed it was too late for "C". She was on death's doorstep. She sat down quietly in the yard, closed her eyes, and slept like that for hours. I was positive she would die, I have never seen a chicken so sick. She got up only to drink water, once every hour. I tried dosing her a second time with the DWA and GI Soother, but couldn't get her to eat anything. Finally, I managed to feed her some of the herbs smooshed up in a banana. A few hours later, I got her another small dose. At that point, it was time for bed, and I got her into the coop to rest. When I went out the next morning, I was prepared for the worst. I opened the coop door, expecting to see her dead on the ground, but what did I discover? "C", up and about, picking at food. She was slow, but alive, and not only that, hungry!
I dosed all of the chickens with the DWA and GI Soother that morning, got "C" an extra dose, and a few hours later went to let them out to roam. "C" came marching out of the coop with everyone else, alive, energetic, and thriving. After a third herbal dose for the day, she was pretty much completely out of the woods. This morning when I went out to feed the chickens, "C" was first in line at the door for food, gobbled down their morning dose of herbs, and was back to her bossy self. Honestly, I was flabbergasted. She was a new chicken. After so much success with your products, I The picture of "C" where her eyes are closed are from when she was sick, and she slept like that for hours. She wouldn’t walk more than a few steps before plunking down to rest. The next few photos are ones I took of a fully recovered "C" today She’s back to her usual sweet (and bossy) self!! Such an amazing and miraculous recovery! I also included a picture of all of the chickens enjoying their daily dose of DWA and GI Soother! Mix it into a pile of sunflower seeds and they just inhale it. I really shouldn't be surprised anymore, but every time I used them it's a miracle and I'm so blown away. You are certainly blessed with God's wisdom, and we are blessed to have found you! Thank you for everything! You saved the life of one of our sweetest and dearest chickens, and we couldn't be more thrilled. " Thanks for sharing your story to give others a glimmer of hope! Products can be ordered at under herb mix. In honor of spring it's time to do Spring Cleaning- in YOU :). Every few years I cleanse for an entire year- bowels, liver/kidneys, bloodstream, metals in order and some concurrently.
Every season I do a short 10 to 14 day tune up. Longer if I get into something bad or some exposure to something- like when I was chlorine poisoned in a pool and hottub at a hotel last year. Winter and holidays 'expose' many people to way too much sugar, overeating and processed, baked or cooked foods... And- even my organic kale in my garden- get's rained on and the first rain you know has toxins in it from cleaning the air- even though we are in a quite pristine area close to the saltwater on the west coast without major industry... products can be purchased at BELOW RETAIL!!! Lower Bowel helps the Intestinal area heal itself Liver and Gallbladder support -DO NOT START until you are regularly having 2-4 regular bowel movements per day- one per meal and one when you get up. Kidney can be started any time. Caffeine drinker or eater (chocolate, pop, coffee, Kambucha, Green/black teas, energy drinks, etc) you might just want to stay on this all the time (or please consider dropping the caffeine) Heavy metals (do the others first :) ). BLESSINGS ALL :D :D :D :D :D This is a question I receive frequently. Especially from those with only a couple of animals or those using a product with small pets. If it's a high quality product like the ones we make available to you they can be kept nearly indefinately. The 'best by' date will generally be two years from manufacture, but I've had a customer use even a seven year old product stored incorrectly at higher doses with excellent support. I don't recommend that however! Your best approach when you get a new herb mix is to take out the amount of product you will use for a month or two. Just pour it out- don't contaminate the contents within the bag and do not get it moist in the bag. Then reseal and enclose in a freezer bag. Writing the date on it with a permanent marker is another good step. Then put it in your freezer. Ta da! It will keep pretty much forever. follow Katherine at Purchase products today at Katherine MH, CR, CA, CEIT, DipHIr, QTP has extensive alternative training in Vitalistic (cause oriented) wellness,including a Master's Degree in Herbology and is a lifelong pet, poultry, horse and livestock owner. She has a heart to share with you so that you, your family and your creatures may achieve abundant wellness. Be Blessed! These statements have not been reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to treat, cure, prevent or diagnose any disease. Vitamin B12 sources for healthy nerves, blood cells and DNA. Just finished a Q and A in the goat journal. Which herbs/foods in the picture can you identify? Hippocrates said let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food. This is a great example of that. And yes all of the macro and micro nutrients a body needs whether human or animal is available from plants. Even the ones that science hasn't discovered yet. This is one of the reasons why our whole herb product BetterDaze(tm) is so popular. We also have herbs and products availbale for people on our website at a discounted price :). Ginger root, Alfalfa, Red clover, Cayenne, Dandelion leaf/flower, Kelp, Cayenne (not for liver damaged individuals). *Is your dam milking less than you expected for her genetics or previous records? Did she have a rough birthing start? Did she come to you with a heavy parasite load or not with the care you would want every animal to have had? Hope is on the way! The consideration to pay attention to is parasite issues. An animal feeding parasites and being damaged by them simply can not milk their genetic potential to give their babies a shot at getting a great start on reaching their genetic potential. Parasites that hang out in the blood stream and other locations put a serious drain on your dam, reducing her ability to produce milk and often having a negative ability on milk quality and taste. Being sure their intestines (large and small) can absorb nutrition to the best of their ability is also important. Parasites that lurk directly in the GI Tract (ones known to hemorrhage intestinal tissue and cause bloody diarrhea) as well as conditions that caused intestinal scar tissue in animals that had rough beginnings or times in their lives benefit from supporting these organs so that they are able to fully utilize the nutrition they ingest. Also consider the dip in immunity a few weeks before through a few weeks after parturition. This is about a one month time period for small livestock, a bit less for pets, and about 6 - 8 weeks for large stock. This also makes them more susceptible to parasites as well as other conditions. We love using MMune™ for this support. Access to fresh clean (and not chilling ice cold!) water is extremely important for milk production since milk is approximately 90 - 95% water. Also be sure there are no electrical currents coming from power cords/lines/ fencing under wet ground or bedding or in proximity to the water tank that prevents your animals from consuming the water they would like to have. Very nutritious mineral dense foods such as alfalfa and kelp as well as access to seasalt are important to the diet of all animals: poultry, livestock and pets for optimum production. We also love using the very popular BetterDaze ™ for supporting all creatures great and small. Being sure that there are not any other underlying wellness issues or subclinical infections from birthing is another consideration for milk production. For traditional wellness support I use HerBiotic ™ in our herds. Having addressed all of those items-and knowing that your animal is other healthy brings us to using the product we abosolutely love for lactation support: MilkMaid™ to give those hardworking lactating dams what their body needs so that it can produce their best quantity AND best quality of milk possible for that superior next generation that you bred for. Other products at to consider under products & herb mixes are: DWA™ GISoother™ MMune™ Better Daze™ HerBiotic ™ Wishing you blessings multiplied, happy milkers and happy babies to you and your farm! *The Food and Drug Administration has not approved any of these statements and they are not intended to cure, prevent, treat or diagnose any disease. |