How exciting! You have been preparing for a long time to be ready for your upcoming show. Breeding programs, selecting stock, training, proper nutrition and care. I also love the opportunities to make new friends and learn more to continually improve on genetics. Here are some products I love to keep on hand to help me help my furry friends to look their best at the event.
A week before I like to use MMune™ 2 to 3x daily. It's a bummer to have an animal pull up unwell just a couple days before an event. I also want to be sure their immune systems are well supported at a time they will incur more stress which will result with a dip in immune system efficiency. Showing is also a time that our creatures get exposed to microbes and germs from other farms- sometimes nationwide. I also like to keep Wonderful Salve™ on hand for those cuts and scratches and hopefully not worse that can occur when traveling or in pens. I have seen everything a broken leg and sprains on goat kids that got a leg caught in a fence and I have experienced a cattle panel snapping in my face and ripping my skin under my eye among other injuries. I always keep Wonderful Salve™ with me even for international travel. I simply love this salve. Just dap it on several times a day. Sometimes animals experience swelling from transporting or standing on hard surfaces, twisting a leg or bumping something with a leg. I love AKing Joint Support™ for this issue. In these situations I like to give a double or triple dose depending on the situation every two waking hours then about 4x a day after that until after I get them home, then 3x a day for 3 or 4 more days or based on what they show you. All at triple dose if wanted. HerBiotic™ is my friend whenever my animal starts feeling ill. I also give this normal dose (on the label) every 2 waking hours the first day, then 4x a day for 2 more days (or even two more if still at an event), then 3x a day for another 4 days past getting home. GISoother™ is nice for those that have GI upsets / diarrhea while on the road or at an event. I give it also at triple dose for a situation like this every two waking hours then 4x a day for 2-4 days, then 3x a day for about 4 more. If they improve rapidly you can reduce this schedule. BreatheDeeplee™ Is good to keep on hand if one thinks they may get exposure to something respiratory, even from things like additional dust in the air (have you ever looked at a sunbeam in a barn to see it full of particulate). Wishing you the best and most amazing show successes, wellness and blessings, Katherine. These products and more can be purchased online for the US and Canada at We are! And you can be too! While EMF's (electromagnetic Frequencies) have been around for a long time now - since electricity started being used, they are becoming more and more frequent and bombarding to our bodies. And 5G comes with severe health warnings for people that are installing the systems. Microwaves, digital items, HD TV's, things that send or receive signals (radios, tv's, cell phones, smart meters, routers) and electronics in cars, at work, in stores, and in everyone's purses or pockets has our systems completely surrounded- even in the country! Our pets and livestock are exposed as well to these invisible wellness challenges. They are tough on the nervous system, tough on the adrenals, damaging to dna, and tough on mental wellness, increases cancer risk and can exacerbate or create chronic pain among other problems. I remember as a child that the tv always making me feel edgy and headachey and somewhat nauseated whenever it was on- and this was in the 60's and 70's with the OLD weak technology. Remember- before remote controls (which also give signals!) when you actually had to get up and pull the knob on or push it off to turn your tv on or off?!? LOL.
So what do I do about all of this assault on my, my familie's and our pet's wellness? I use EMF shields or more correctly reformatters. The EMF products that we carry are in a vegetable resin base and are encoded with over 240 resonant frequencies which allows your body to REBALANCE the frequencies coming at it to harmonize with your system rather than damage it. These products are good for life as long as you have the product (even if you accidentally wash it!). We have collars for your fur babies including small livestock and I love the keychain tags for my horse halters (and for my husband's pocket since I can't get him to wear a dog tag necklace). I wear a necklace and we have the house plugs for our house, gararge and barn which takes care of anything that is plugged into the walls that doesn't send a signal. We also have them for our router, our cell phones (to protect others since we already have wearables) and our microwave. Microwaves are another story, but I do use ours to warm up my heat packs. The wearables, such as the necklaces, also make a caring meaningful gift for friends and family. You can be 5G ready by ordering your EMF shields today! Just click this link: EMF (electromagnetic field) Shields Blessings, wellness and abundance to you and yours! Photos: Right after lump fell off, a month later and all better. SP in WA shares, " Hello! I just wanted to take the time to THANK YOU for your products!! I have used your products for many, many years and always have been very pleased. This past December though, these products really came through for us. Our almost three year old Jersey cow got a bump on the side of her face. I put Wounderful on it but not very consistently. Then, we went away for Christmas and when we came back the bump took over the whole left side of her face. It was pushing up her eye even. We had the vet come out and they said it was Lumpy Jaw and that it was in the bone. They said the only way they could treat it was give her iodine treatments for at least 7-8 weeks and that wouldn't make it go away, it was just hopefully bring the swelling down but her jaw would be forever disfigured, which would then make it difficult for her to eat. They said most farmers cull the animal as they don't live very long. We have always been very natural on our farm and they are definitely more pets than regular farm animals, I couldn't put her through that torture. They would have to do the treatments in her neck and I knew that would put more stress on her and she wouldn't heal with all that stress. She is also nursing a calf so she didn't need any extra stress. So, I got out the Wounderful and added several essential oils, and colloidal silver and made a mix 2-3 times a day and rubbed it all over the bump. I also put Probiotics in her free minerals, along with kelp, MMune, and HerBiotic and she ate those up. Within a week of doing this everyday, the bump was down to the size of a golf ball. It was still very hard and was getting real tight. Then, after almost two weeks, it started to open up. An amazing amount of stuff starting flowing out so I just kept putting my mixture on after I would push out as much as she would let me. We decided we might need some help getting the rest of it out but on the day we did, we went out and the whole thing had fallen off! So, we kept putting more of the mixture on. It is now down to the smallest little spot, the hair has grown back in, and I only put the Wounderful on about 5 times a week. There is still infection slowly coming out and it pulls it out best when I put the Wounderful on but it is a very small amount. We have heard that bone infections take a very long time to recover from so we know she still has a ways to go. I talked to one farmer that her cow had lumpy jaw and she said she never has heard of it coming out that way. "W", our cow, doesn't look like she will have much of a deformity except where that small little indentation is but she has never stopped eating or chewing her cud. She has kept up with milking and looks great. I tried to write all of this on facebook and share pictures but it wouldn't let me. We are so incredibly THANKFUL to you though and wanted to share. We have also used Wounderful on one of our barn cats who got in a fight and had a terrible was gone within a few days! Amazing stuff!!!! Thank you!! SP
Congratulations for doing the nursing work and getting advice from your vet to find out what you were fighting, and for not giving up on your beautiful cow! Wounderful! Salve is available on the products page under salves at We also have essential oils available on our website. MANY BLESSINGS! ![]() We had a recent question about Lung worm and irritated lungs in a goat, as well as wanting to be ready for an upcoming kidding. I'm sharing my notes. Besides helping her body be a place that lungworm doesn't want to reside (DWA (tm)) she may need some additional lung support. If she has damage there- remember that is tender tissue that can be irritated with every breath containing particulate in it (ever see dusty barn air in a sunbeam?) I would look at BreatheDeeplee(tm) herb mix to give that support. It will take some time as the lungs aren't allowed to rest while they heal themselves. I will also list other suggestions based on info in your email. Do or don't do as you feel led. If you want for her you could also consider MMune (tm) as she probably is more susceptible to other potential issues at this time. IF you think she may have a bacterial or viral issue starting (WATCH HER FOR ANY SIGN OF FEVER!) or if you just want to rule that out before there would be problems please look at HerBiotic (tm) herb mix. For your pregnant doe if you want look at BetterDaze(tm) herb mix. Kop-Sel if you are in a selenium/copper deficient area for support if you want herbal support. PrePare(tm) for prekidding reproductive organ support. Ewe-Ter-N(tm) herb mix given on kidding day, just before (or sometimes during) kidding, and after if afterbirth doesn't drop in 20 minutes. GI Soother(tm) is extremely popular for raising kids that are in coccidia or barberpole areas. Blessings every single one of you in your farm and family this year!!! And yes, I count farm critters as family :). Thank you! We're new to dairy goats, have been reading your book (love it! Watching for more books too) and are on our way to raising our small herd naturally. Thank you very much for all the educational material you have out and continue to offer. CL in Pennsylvania What are you waiting for??? Get yours today! Signed by the Author :D Do you wish you didn't have to rely on synthetic nutrient excito toxin storebought products? Look no further! I love making this for my does, alpacas and mares after they birth. It's easy to stir into warm water which most animals will readily slurp up. Serve it immediately after birthing. It can also be offered during prolonged birthing (in that case I also offer up Ewe-Ter-N(tm) which supplies what the body needs to enable it to have well timed efficient contractions and usually a faster expulsion of the afterbirth).
Combine Black Strap molasses, olive oil, cayenne and BetterDaze(tm) herb mix with enough hot water to make it easy to drench (or add it to their grain, mash or water). The molasses needs to be Black Strap unsulphured. The cheaper grades are primarily sugar and very little mineral, which will weaken your animal's muscular strength and remove some minerals from their body). It provides valuable iron in a safe form as well as many other minerals and B vitamins to help support a tired or stressed body. This is often a health food store item. 50 - 100 lb animals get 1/2 tablespoon, 100 to 200 lb animals get 1 tbsp, 200-400 lb animals get 2 tbsp (1/8 cup). 400 to 800 lb animals get 3 tbsp. 800- 1300 lb animals get 1/2 cup. The olive oil provides easy to utilize calories as well as being soothing to the digestive system. Give the same dose as the molasses. Cayenne ideally should be 35,000 heat unit if organic to 40,000 heat unit potency. I use a small pinch with animals under 100 lbs, a large pinch for 100 - 200 lb animals, 1/8 tsp for 200-400 lbs, 1/4 tsp for 400 - 800 lbs and 1/2 tsp for 800 - 1300 lb creatures. It it another great source of B vitamins during stress as well as a high quality Vitamin C source. It helps support animals that are shocky, will help the body stop bleeding or hemorrhaging (I give it orally mixed with water and give it vaginally mixed with water or olive oil) and helps supply endurance. BetterDaze(tm) herb mix supplies a wide range of easy to utilize vitamins, minerals and nutrients which are perfect for supporting the dam and her tired body. Follow dosages on the label. It can be purchased here if you don't already have it on hand. It's also a great product to support your babies towards reaching their genetic potential. May all of you have the most beautiful and successful babies this year! Wild birds are so fun to watch. We have several species that visit our feeders and we love to identify and watch them. But what about those in our barn or with our chickens? Now that's another story! Birds of course can leave waste in feeders and spread diseases to poultry as they hop around going after stray feed. Birds can as hop on coccidia and then hop in your animal feeders and place their coccidia, e coli , etcetera onto their eating areas. So it's better if they do not mix with your animal feeding areas.
There are a few things one can do to minimize or avoid these things. First is if you like to feed birds as we do, is to keep their feeding stations far from poultry and livestock feeding areas. Another thing is to only feed your poultry and stock what they can consume at that feeding and to feed it in containers that avoid waste. Feeders that can be picked up and moved after feeding should be removed and put in a feed room or other place not accessible to them. Also, most birds will enter your barns or sheds from higher. Closing off gaps between eves and other openings with one inch poultry wire or woven hardware cloth so that fresh air movement is still allowed over head but birds aren't allowed to land and hop in will reduce the amount of birds entering your barn areas. Even old screening can often be obtained for free and be upcycled this way. Keeping barn doors closed when possible also helps. Also keeping a barn cat (keep it healthy & chlamydia free!) in the barn can also reduce wild bird populations. I personally don't do this because of problems with cats using hay for their bathroom. For poultry's safety from wild birds (as well as weasels!) it is best to use a one inch poultry netting for their pens, housing, chicken tractor and supplemental feeding areas. Two inch netting, while cheaper, allows birds and small predators in. It also deteriorates faster allowing foxes and raccoons a greater likelihood of getting to your birds. Another way to combat this is to be sure your animals and poultry are the healthiest they can possibly be! We achieve this by supplementing poultry with LayNLayer herb mix or BetterDaze herb mix as well as decrease their parasite challenges with DWormA and GI Soother for coccidial challenges and MMune herb mix for any that need that additional support for their immune systems such as weak, old, recovering or senior creatures. For livestock we offer the same products (of course they don't need the LayNLayer!). BLESSINGS TO ALL OF YOU- YOU, YOUR HUMAN FAMILY AND YOUR CREATURE FAMILY :D ![]() White Horehound (Marrubium vulgare) , Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) and Red Valerian (Centranthus ruber) at Fir Meadow. Photo by Katherine Drovdahl. We like to say that livestock and humans should eat plants and plants should eat rocks and dirt. Why is this SO CRITICALLY important???!!! When we keep things in that order bodies do well. You see when a plant converts sunlight through photosynthesis it combines nutrients it uptakes from soil (broken down rocks & organic matter) with a carbon atom. It is that carbon atom attached to that nutrient that makes it bioavailable. That nutrient becomes fully utilizable by the body. It's able to uptake it into cells, use it fully for it's intended purpose and it is fully able to eliminate any excess that it doesn't want to utilize. This allows the ability to fully nourish the body and to not store toxic or structurally damaging excesses of copper, selenium, copper, fat soluble vitamins, etc. Some of these excesses can and do build up to cause liver toxicity (which can lead to death), stones such as urinary calculi, kidney stones, enteroliths, gall stones (which form in the liver and are there as well), bone spurs, hardening of the pituitary gland or brain tissue, etc.
So how on earth do we and our beloved critters end up eating rocks? Here are a few considerations. Our wells and city waters are not soft water- they contain rock mineral particulate. When we lived in southern Oregon I could actually SEE the particulate from our high calcium well whenever water was brewed for tea. It also accumulated at the mouths of faucets etc. There were no dandelions or alfalfa plants growing in our well to contribute to this. The soils in that area contain high amounts of calcium. Store bought food and feeds that have minerals added or are 'fortified' have rock or synthetic sources added. Read your label- if it doesn't say the magnesium is because whole alfalfa, stinging nettle or another plant is in the product then it's not from a plant! It's from a rock or a formulated fake from a laboratory. Why do companies do this? Because it's much less expensive to mine and purchase rock nutrients than it is to use whole plants that contain the nutrients. I can purchase a whole ten yard dump truck load of several tons of rocks or sand for the same price that some of the herbs that I work with cost me by the pound! Most calcium put into food and feeds in the US is mined limestone from the midwest. Chemical or synthetic derived nutrients are cheap too and are derived from oil. Kodak is or used to be one of the largest suppliers of nutrients for the food industry. Scary or interesting. I'm not sure which it is! We provide wonderful high quality WHOLE HERB nutrition for you, your human and pet family, just as God intended! Get those now at ( Be ABUNDANTLY BLESSED :) Whole herb products for your ENTIRE family! ![]() Here's a few tips on how my husband and I largely avoid coming down with these types of issues... Keeping your water intake up, even in the winter months is key to helping your entire body work and in helping your body dilute and move out toxins in cells and organs. If your lips feel dry then you are already dehydrated. Caffeine or refined sugar intake will dehydrate you faster. Foods- even in the winter months try to keep an abundance of raw fruits and vegetables in your diet. Opt for vibrant colored and a diverse collection of colors in your fruit and vegetable choices. If you have a picky family member that only likes just a few choices, be sure and keep those on hand and you enjoy the variety yourself :). This is a GREAT time of year to keep citrus in front of you. My tea right now has squeezed lemon into it- which also aids in cleansing. Your citrus must be fresh squeezed or fresh eaten and not a refrigerated or processed product to retain the vitamin C. In fact, upwards of 60% of the Vitamin C will already be gone just fifteen minutes after juicing your fruit. Sometimes I will just add 1 drop of lemon essential oil per day (not for children under 12) to my quart canning jar filled with water. Sleep- MAKE SURE you are getting adequate sleep to avoid wearing down your adrenals and immunity. Exercise- FRESH AIR AND EXERCISE is important in the winter too. Those of us that participate in winter chores usually don't have a problem with this. Be sure you are getting some walking and deep breathing. I have a friend that comes over for yoga 3x per week as well. I have videos but there are good yogas to be found on youtube as well. Herbal support- The most awesome thing about herbal support is that even if your body doesn't need it (and really, your body will still pull and use nutrients anyhow) these aren't going to hurt you. Products to consider? Vitalerbs- available in capsule, extract or bulk powder form. This is a must take for my husband and I to be sure we have a wide range of whole herb nutrient bases covered for overall body wellness. We take these year round to be sure cells have what they need to replicate into healthier ones. Also look for Kid-E-Mins non alcohol extract for young children, toddlers, babies and even pets. Either give it by mouth or drop into their water. Nursing moms can drop a drop or two on their nipples for their baby to nurse. Click here for Vitalerbs capsules. Here for the extract. Click here for Kid E Mins. And here for the bulk powder Vitalerbs. Herbal C - This is a fast way to get high quality whole herb C into your body. I take these every day twice per day and any time I'm heading out into public. This product also offers some heart support for a bonus. Click here. Super Immune Garlic Extract- Is a must have in our home to keep on hand. Again, I like to have this in my blood stream before I go out in public and again after I return. It's so seldom we feel off like we are catching something, but that is another time to take it up to hourly. If a problem hits definately take it hourly!!! Click here. Echinacea & Goldenseal capsules- Popluar and time tested to support the body during wellness challenges. If you are pregnant take this in combination with Cayenne so that the goldenseal doesn't use up all of your Vitamin B in your body. Also follow with Cayenne as the last dose of the day to top off your B's. Click here. Kid-E-Mune extract- Echinacea is really really safe for all including pregnant and very young children. Young children can be allowed to take Kid-E-Mune hourly if wanted. Echinacea in the system helps the body make it difficult for viral activity to capture cells. I also take this before I go out in public. Take every 4 hours during public exposure. After ten days of solid use (3 or more times per day) give your body a three day sabbath from it so that your body will utilize it fully. Click here for Kid E Mune. Cayenne- is always an option due to it's provision of Vitamin's B and C to the body as well as it's infection fighting ability. I like keeping it in salt shaker in the kitchen. It gets added to much of my meals including salads and in most of my drinks including water. Click here for capsules or here for the extract. Cayenne powder here. Raspberry tea - drinking several glasses of this in a day often helps one feel remarkably better. Remember to continue to rest though for another couple of days or you'll relapse as your body hasn't finished the interior battle yet. Click here. Chest Formula , Cold Formula, Lung and Bronchial Formula and Sinus Formula also offer excellent support. Take 3x per day if these are areas of weakness for you and hourly if you are having a problem. Click here. ANYTIME you see something that creates you concern don't hesitate to consult with your medical provider. There are some real severe flu issues going around right now and you need to catch them early or better yet stay AHEAD of them before and early into exposure for best results. It's way easier to avoid an issue by keeping herbs in your body for viral and bacterial activity to hit the second they are inhaled than to fight a problem that has time to replicate and overwhelm the body. Starting a whole body cleanse - Bowel, Liver/Kidneys and Bloodstream are a long term strong foundational building approach towards a well body. Never do these without direction from a degreed herbalist. Doing them wrong or out of order can cause serious problems. Done right there are amazing tools! We offer online consultations with our Master's degree in Herbalism practitioner under our services tab for those that don't already have someone to work with. Here's to PEACE of mind, wellness, blessings and happy herbing! :D *Non of these statements have been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to cure, prevent, treat or diagnose disease. |