MW in TX writes:, "Hi Katherine!
Two things I wanted you to know. - I took a goat fecal sample into our rural vet. He raved that it was the cleanest sample he had checked in thirty years. This is after one year of DWA and GI Soother cookies every Tuesday. I told him I used herbs. Of course he rolled his eyes and said "yah that will work until it doesn't". ha ha! I want to take in another sample just to prove it still works but I can't see spending the money just to prove what I already know. Thanks Fir Meadows! - I have a tip for one of my uses of Wounderful. I had a new doe with really bad hooves so I trimmed her frequently and then rubbed Wounderful all over her hooves and in between the toes. It wasn't long until they were wonderful. Now with every goat hoof trim I finish up with a good thorough coating of Wounderful." You can get DWA here And Wonderful here Thank you MW for sharing your story so that you can be an encouragement to others that they aren't 'stepping off of the deep end" when they decide to use nurturing whole herbs instead of chemicals for their fur babies big and small :). Many Blessings :) K |