How exciting! You have been preparing for a long time to be ready for your upcoming show. Breeding programs, selecting stock, training, proper nutrition and care. I also love the opportunities to make new friends and learn more to continually improve on genetics. Here are some products I love to keep on hand to help me help my furry friends to look their best at the event.
A week before I like to use MMune™ 2 to 3x daily. It's a bummer to have an animal pull up unwell just a couple days before an event. I also want to be sure their immune systems are well supported at a time they will incur more stress which will result with a dip in immune system efficiency. Showing is also a time that our creatures get exposed to microbes and germs from other farms- sometimes nationwide. I also like to keep Wonderful Salve™ on hand for those cuts and scratches and hopefully not worse that can occur when traveling or in pens. I have seen everything a broken leg and sprains on goat kids that got a leg caught in a fence and I have experienced a cattle panel snapping in my face and ripping my skin under my eye among other injuries. I always keep Wonderful Salve™ with me even for international travel. I simply love this salve. Just dap it on several times a day. Sometimes animals experience swelling from transporting or standing on hard surfaces, twisting a leg or bumping something with a leg. I love AKing Joint Support™ for this issue. In these situations I like to give a double or triple dose depending on the situation every two waking hours then about 4x a day after that until after I get them home, then 3x a day for 3 or 4 more days or based on what they show you. All at triple dose if wanted. HerBiotic™ is my friend whenever my animal starts feeling ill. I also give this normal dose (on the label) every 2 waking hours the first day, then 4x a day for 2 more days (or even two more if still at an event), then 3x a day for another 4 days past getting home. GISoother™ is nice for those that have GI upsets / diarrhea while on the road or at an event. I give it also at triple dose for a situation like this every two waking hours then 4x a day for 2-4 days, then 3x a day for about 4 more. If they improve rapidly you can reduce this schedule. BreatheDeeplee™ Is good to keep on hand if one thinks they may get exposure to something respiratory, even from things like additional dust in the air (have you ever looked at a sunbeam in a barn to see it full of particulate). Wishing you the best and most amazing show successes, wellness and blessings, Katherine. These products and more can be purchased online for the US and Canada at |