Well built high quality medicinal dewormers always cause a reduction in diarrhea- right? Well, not always. Here are some reasons when you may see diarrhea.
Herb Mix DWorm A ™ 16 oz (parasites, mycoplasma) 1- A fast parasite die off can cause diarrhea. This is caused in animals with a high parasite load. To get the best benefit from herbal dewormers you will want to break parasite lifecycles before they reach adulthood and the ability to do damage to your creature and reproduce. Most animals are infecting themselves daily from grazing, eating or licking soil or bedding, getting feet with manure on them into feed (avoid allowing chickens to walk on hay, etc) and licking fencing, stall walls, etc. Parasites on the average reach maturity within just three weeks of ingestion but have been doing tissue damage to their host before that point. Because a new cycle is started up to daily with new ingestions I suggest at least a once a week feeding, but more frequently if you live in a wet/humid climate or have an animal or animals that are more susceptible to parasite attacks, including young, senior and those with impaired immune systems. Our MMune TM herb mix can also be fed to those creatures if wanted. Get DwormA TM Click Herb Mix DWorm A ™ 16 oz (parasites, mycoplasma) Get MMune TM Click Herb Mix MMune™ 8 oz 2- Sometimes a creature gets into something else in their feed or environment that causes diarrhea, and sometimes that coincides wtih the use of a new product. In those cases one doesn't know if it's something environmental or the herbs. DWormA TM has been formulated to help the body absorb and release ingested toxins through the manure. This also may cause loose stools. 3- A creature who's nutrition level is increased faster than the microbes in their rumen and/or intestinal tract is used to. If this is the case back down to half of the dose you were using for a few days (about three) and then gradually work their body back up to the dose you want them on. Ten days is considered an average amount of time to allow the flora to adjust to changes in diet. 4- Liver and gall bladder stimulation (note that equine and camelids do not have gall bladders) may cause loose stools, especially in an animal where these functions have been below optimum. Our herbal dewormer does encourage liver and gallbladder function. If you believe your animal may have an impaired or challenged liver from toxins in their feeds, meds or environmental then consider supporting those organs with our FreshStart TM . Get FreshStart TM here Herb Mix FreshStart™ (Liver, GallBldr, Kidneys) 8 oz 5- Scar damage to the intestinal walls from previous high parasite or coccidia loads can also make it difficult to get ahead of a diarrhea- but in these cases it usually would not start the same time an herbal dwormer would be started. In cases where it is believed that the creature may have malabsorption issues consider putting them on GI Soother TM for at least a year, longer if they still need to catch up on growth to what size & weight you think they should be. This product is very gentle and nurturing to the intestinal tract and encourages it to heal itself while also helping the body deal with coccidia, barberpole worms, ulcers and bacterial assaults to the GI. This product can be used concurrently with DWorm A TM and both products can be used with any creature. In this case it may take weeks or months for the body to correct a malabsorption issue but the tissue will want to heal if it gets what it needs. In these cases expect to be fighing diarrhea for some time until the intestinal tissue softens. Adding BetterDaze TM herb mix to thier nutritional program will help the body to heal itself faster with its wide range of vitamins, minerals and nutrients and can lessen the effects of malnutrition at a faster rate. Get GI Soother TM here Herb Mix GI Soother™ Cocci Diarrhea Barberpole Ulcer support 16 oz Get Better Daze TM here Herb Mix BetterDaze™ 8 oz There are also diseases such as Johnes that can cause diarrhea, but again, that is a problem that one would not expect to start concurrent with the start of using herbal dewormers. Be Very Blessed! Katherine MH CA CR DIPHiR CEIT QTP |