Here are some natural, whole herb, thoughtfully build and popular products to help you support your dogs or other animals in dealing with this and other parasite issues.
For my creatures I would want to give DWormA(tm) to them every two hours the first day (waking hours) double dosed from regular label dose. Then 4x a day for 2 days and then 3 x a day for 3 days. If possible fast your animal on the first day. Do not fast them if they are pregnant or very weak. It can also be used with any nonsymptomatic animals. Since the three month the life cycle is so long on whips, they can have them for a long time before they shed any eggs to catch in a fecal. They also tend to be tricky to catch by fecal since they reside way down in the Cecum (between the small intestine and the ascending colon). The herbs will not harm any dog or animal that doesn't need it, but rather will nourish them. Then consider anywhere from giving it once a day for two times a week, to 6 out of 7 days each week if you want to feed it that often you can. Their eggs can stay in the environment for years including through heavy freezes so once you find your animals have had these it's very important to stay on a regular program. Clean what you can in their environment. This product also helps the body deal with any possible hemorrhaging that could be caused by that parasitic load. Other considerations include their interior intestinal environment that allows parasites to flourish. I would use BetterBowels(tm) on non livestock animals if I ran into that problem. Livestock don't usually need this due to the large amounts of roughage that they eat. Start the bowel product the second week after beginning the DWorm A. Try not to give them at the same time. Dogs that are on processed food (kibble) or cooked food and /or those that strain to defecate are more susceptible to parasites than those that are raised raw food (assuming there is a large quantity of raw fruit and vegetables in that raw diet). Lightly steamed is fine. BetterDaze(tm) herb mix will give their bodies what they need to supernourish the blood and cells that the parasites have stripped. It will also provide what their body needs to rebuild iron in the bloodstream, safely helping the body to recover itself from an anemia issues and do so naturally. MMune(tm) herb mix can be used to support any animals dealing with immunity issues which also makes them more susceptible to parasites. Animals near birthing (about ten percent of their gestation before they birth and ten percent afterwards will naturally have reduced immune system function that parasites like to take advantage of and of course having parasites compromises immunity of the host. All of these products can be found under products and then herb mixes at where we offer hope to those facing challenges with their human and animal families! |