EW in Texas wrote, "Hi Katherine!!
I know I rave about them all the time, BUT, just had to email you once again about your miraculous herbs. I found Amelia, a buff orpington and one of my favorite chickens (why is it always the favorites?? ) this morning seriously sick. It appeared to be neurological in origin, her eyes and head kept listing to the right, almost as if her vision was spinning, she couldn't seem to see in front of her, and when she mustered the strength to walk, she could only walk in circles. She would lay down, and her head would turn repeatedly to the right. Even with her eyes closed I could see her eyes were still moving to the right repetitively. It was terrible and I have never in all my years of chicken-keeping seen anything like it. I have absolutely no idea what could possibly have caused it, as far as we knew, she was in perfect health yesterday. Being unsure about the origin, whether it was bacterial or viral or toxin or traumatic, I took a shotgun approach and mixed together a slurry of water, probiotics, Herbiotic, GI Soother, and DWA with a few drops of PolyViSol (her presentation reminded me a bit of the "star-gazing" I have seen in B12 deficient goats), and syringed this down her throat. We put her in the henspital cage to rest, and I returned within an hour to give her a second dose, if she wasn't already gone (I was pretty certain she would be, the decline was happening fast). At best, I hoped to find her in the same state instead of worsening. To my amazement, Amelia was standing, walking, and talking, and when I opened the cage door she walked right up to it in a straight line. She gladly ate some yogurt (I had offered it to her before but she couldn't see the dish) and drank water. I am still in shock!! I know that I know that your herbs are powerful, but for her to experience that level of improvement, within an hour, just absolutely astonished me. She still has a ways to go, but I feel confident that she should make a full recovery, which I just really didn't think was going to happen. I still don't know which thing worked and why, but I don't care, it worked! So, thank you, thank you, thank you, and thank God for the wisdom he has bestowed upon you because your herbs have saved several of our animals now!! Blessings and hugs, E Katherine's note. For this situation I would encourage the use of HerBiotic(tm) herb mix, available on our site at www.firmeadowllc.com , Products tab, Animals Herb Mixes Be Blessed :) |