That is a question I get asked frequently and is a huge question as people are concerned about parasites becoming more and more resistant to the chem dewormers available. I'll share a story from CM in Texas for you. I'm going to x out superlatives that aren't neccessary to the story ;). "First off, our vet is a "Good Ol' Boy" country vet, who raises meat goats, and if he didn't learn something in vet school at Texas A&M, it is NOT a valid treatment, medicine, etc. Herbal and natural remedies to him are all a bunch of xx. He's a great vet for surgeries, injuries, and things I can't do, but boy, do we clash on A LOT of things, LOL! Well, when we first went to see him 2 yrs ago for a pregnancy test for two of our goats, we had only had our Nigerian Dwarf Goats about 6 months (they were also our first goats ever). At the end of the visit; he asked me which wormer I was using for our then four girls, and I told him, "I use an Herbal Wormer made by Fir Meadows". He gave me a smirk and a laugh, then proceeded to give me an earful on how all those herbal wormers are xx that do not work; especially here in Texas with all the drug resistant parasites. After the rant; he asked me if I wanted Cydecton, or some other chemical wormer to take home. I politely told him I would stick to the herbal stuff for now. He said, "Cynthia; I know you're new to goats, but the first time we get a big rain around here; you're going to have goats dropping dead from parasites if you try to rely on your herbal hoo-doo, voo-doo xx". He was getting a little xx, and making me actually worry that maybe out here there herbal stuff wouldn't be enough, so I said, "ok, well could you do a fecal on the two goats here today, just so I know what our parasite load is currently like?" He smiled and said "I think that's a great idea", and I know he was hoping the goats were loaded to prove herbal wormers were indeed xx. So he took the samples, ran the tests, and when he came back in the exam room, his face was as red as a tomato. He said, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but keep using that herbal wormer....BOTH of your goats had a parasite count of ZERO, which in 25 years, I've never seen." It was priceless, and he has never brought up wormer to me again, LOL!! Then, we have a doe who had twins in early May, twins were weaned mid-August, but since then, this doe has been losing weight like crazy. I kept upping her food, but she was not putting on weight. I was perplexed and starting to panic. On Wednesday I noticed she had lumps on both sides of her jaw, and I opened her mouth to find she was packing her cud inside her cheeks. Called our vet, who said it sounded like a tooth problem, and to bring her in Thursday, but he was going to be out of town so we would have to see a vet we had never seen at the clinic. Took our goat "LB" to the clinic yesterday, and sure enough, she had a cracked tooth that was rotting, so the vet pulled it, and so far, so good. The new vet was a lady who's son used to raise dairy goats for 4-H, and since she was very familiar with goats, she said, "Do you mind if I run a fecal test? I just want to make sure everything is good since Lexi lost so much weight so fast." I said sure, I'd love to know what her fecal count is! Vet ran the test, came out and said, "Um, what in the world are you worming with? Lexi's parasite count is ZERO! I ran the test three times, because I thought something was wrong. I've been a vet for 19 years, and a goat with a zero parasite count in Texas is just unheard of!!" I told her I used Fir Meadow's Herbal Wormer, and her jaw dropped. She had to run take care of a dog with a rattlesnake bite, but as she was running down the hall, she yelled over her shoulder, "Cynthia! Please leave the name of the herbal wormer you use with the receptionist!!" So now your wormer has completely shocked two of the vets at our clinic, LOL!!! :)" The answer, according to this customer and her veterinarians is Yes. My note is that you need to make sure you are using the right products in the right doses for the right parasites and that you are using them frequently enough for the level of challenge on your property and level of wellness/infestation of your animals. Then yes! We have several Master of Herbology products for you to view on our website- DWorm A (stomach worms, tapeworms), GI Soother (coccidia and barberpole (Hc) , DWorm MLL (tincture - liver/lung/menengial), DWorm H (tincture- heartworm),and HerBiotic (normally for bacterial, viral, microbial, fungal, yeast but also helpful for giardia). BE BLESSED! |