- Dairy Goat Evaluation
Dairy Goat Evaluation
https://www.discountdrchristopher.com please click this link, then to the services tab to order your evaluation.
Are you having a tough time sorting through your herd when you need to sell some but don't want to sell what could be your best? Have you always wanted to participate in an appraisal but the schedule, cost or your location don't work out for that? Do you need to sort though your kids? Katherine owned dairy goats for over 20 years, showed at intensely competitive West Coast shows, had her herd appraised about 18 times and produced many 3000 lb and breed leader milkers i Toggenburgs and LaManchas and one 4000# LaMancha milker. Best in Show wins have been too numerous to count in Bucks, milkers and kids. Many times Premier breeder and exhibitor at state fairs. She understands what traits are needed to produce nice conformation to aim towards longivity and productivity- that means also the type that produces milk in the pail, not just a pretty goat to show. I am comfortable with assessing all dairy goat breeds. I have handled and worked with all breeds at shows. I used to sort my kids at TWO DAYS OLD. Yes it can be done. Price is per goat. This will not be an appraisal, but a real live breeder's assessment of strengths/weaknesses to guide you in your decisions and to help you avoid from becoming 'barn blind'.